Resume running

2 days ago I resumed my running after the marathon with slow and easy 4 Miles. I am determined to post my weekly running schedule here on this page so you can follow my training. Hopefully for your inspiration.

Todays workout was a 30k bike ride with an interruption at kilometer 15 for our weekly 2 mile Self-Transcendece race in Munich. I started out very slow, but felt strong in lap 2 and finished 3rd in 12:24 minutes. We had a guest visitors from Vienna, Austria and Pratul, a most talented runner, finished first. I did not dare to ask him about his time. I also recommend reading the Sri Chinmoy Inspiration Group regularily. Right now a lot of runners post there marathon experiences and my runner friend Arpan is offering his service for those who want to take up serious training. He is the author of "7 Steps for a successful marathon". Enjoy reading! So all of you have a fun week.